Sharp Insight is proud to partner with a wide range of mission-driven organizations. We support diverse evaluation initiatives at the national, regional, and community levels. To learn more about our current and former engagements, scroll through our client listing below.



The Center for Adoption Support and Education (CASE) engaged Sharp Insight to build and refine data management and reporting systems, inclusive of data integration protocols and data visualizations.

Advocates for Youth has engaged Sharp Insight to serve as the lead external evaluator for four, federally funded initiatives awarded to their organization. Sharp Insight served as the lead external evaluators for three CDC-funded initiatives, PS13-1308 and 1603, focused on: increasing community capacity for implementing CDC-developed school-based approaches to sexual health education; increasing state education agency capacity to provide exemplary sexual health education; increasing HIV/STI prevention specifically among adolescent sexual minority males. In 2023, Advocates for Youth engaged Sharp Insight to serve as the external evaluation partner for their Racial Justice in Sex Education online course. For this project, Sharp Insight analyzed survey data collected between 2022 and 2024 and redeveloped the survey for use in late 2024 and onward based on the organization's needs. Sharp Insight also previously served as the lead external evaluator for a two-year Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) cooperative agreement awarded to Advocates for Youth by the U.S. Office on Adolescent Health.

The American Psychological Association engaged Sharp Insight to serve as the lead external evaluator for the CDC/DASH PS13-1308 initiative, the Safe and Supportive Schools Project. In addition to the evaluation of key performance measures, Sharp Insight has designed, implemented, and reported on the evaluation of the in-person and online Respect Workshop: Preventing Risks and Promoting Healthy Outcomes among LGBTQ Students. Additionally, Sharp Insight is researching and developing the content for a toolkit focused on parent engagement resources to support adolescent HIV/STD prevention.

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) engaged Sharp Insight to analyze data and report findings from a pilot training program related to patient-centered outcome research.

MMS Education has engaged Sharp Insight as a subcontractor to support evaluation efforts on a variety of youth development initiatives. Sharp Insight has led quantitative and qualitative evaluation engagements, including, but not limited to: the development of logical frameworks and evaluation plans; literature reviews; survey design, statistical analyses, and reporting; in-depth interview series; and virtual and in-person focus groups.

ProInspire partnered with Sharp Insight for multiple evaluation initiatives, including on behalf of their racial equity and inclusion assessment work and the ProInspire Leadership Institute. The racial equity and inclusion work included assessment tool revisions, robust data analyses, data visualization and reporting for multiple audiences. Additionally, for the Leadership Institute, Sharp Insight worked with an internal evaluation team at ProInspire to develop an Evaluation Toolkit with instruments and protocols, provided capacity building around data collection, and provided data analysis and reporting of the annual findings from multiple Leadership Institute cohorts.

The School-Based Health Alliance has engaged Sharp Insight to support their 4-year initiative funded by Pivotal Ventures (through 2027). The broad initiative aims to increase care coordination capacity within school-based health centers (SBHCs) connected to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in four U.S cities: Atlanta, Chicago, Houston, and Miami. The initiative will support the hiring and training of care coordinators in an increasing number of SBHCs over three years, beginning with 12 SBHCs in the 2024-25 school year. Evaluation efforts will focus on studying the impact of care coordination on the students, families, and school and health systems.

CustomED engaged Sharp Insight to lead a research project designed to deepen stakeholder understanding of a national program’s value proposition. Key methodologies included document review and in-depth interviews.

The American Association of School Administrators (AASA) engaged Sharp Insight to provide a follow-up evaluation of a Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) initiative supported by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services and United Health Care. Sharp Insight developed moderator guides, implemented structured meetings during school district site visits with AASA, and summarized key findings and lessons learned from the initiative.

NEA Healthy Futures engaged Sharp Insight in a variety of projects focused on the intersection of schools and health. Sharp Insight led the content development, supported an advisory team, and managed the following two video projects for school employees: Managing Severe Allergies: Keeping Kids Safe and Clean Schools, Healthy Schools. Sharp Insight also supported a series of research projects and presentations focused on School Employee Wellness.

America Scores engaged Sharp Insight to lead professional development workshops on Social Emotional Learning at their national conference in Washington, DC.

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) , with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Population Health School Health Branch, engaged Sharp Insight to provide research for all 50 states included in the State School Health Policy Matrix 2.0. This Matrix is a comprehensive guide to state-level school health policies for the following topics: competitive foods and beverages, physical education and physical activity, and administration of medication in the school environment. It outlines relevant state-level policies for each of these areas, including a direct link to the policy.

The Central Conference of American Rabbis engaged Sharp Insight on research projects focused on enhancing its member support services. Using a blend of quantitative and qualitative methods, Sharp Insight supported the CCAR in understanding the perceived impact of existing support services on the personal and professional lives of rabbis as well as informing the CCAR of the services most needed and desired by its membership.

World Lupus Federation engaged Sharp Insight to design, analyze, and report on multiple surveys over the years, including a global survey examining the impact of COVID-19 on people with lupus, the capacity of partner organizations worldwide, the impact of lupus on organ systems, and the impact of steroids for use in lupus.

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation engaged Sharp Insight as their evaluation partner for two studies of the Baltimore Library Project: an implementation evaluation about school library best practices and a case study highlighting the unique financial model and partnerships behind the Baltimore Library Project.

The Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) engaged Sharp Insight to evaluate a pilot program for middle school students in the Washington, DC Region. The methodologies included performance measures, focus groups, and classroom observations, among others.

Be Strong Families engaged Sharp Insight to research and develop an evaluation tool and protocol for their Journey to Vitality program that combines empowered engagement and peer-to-peer support systems to help individuals improve their health and well-being.

American Academy of Pediatrics is working with Sharp Insight on an evaluation of two microgrant programs to support the implementation and dissemination of the newly developed Food Allergy Management in Schools (FAMS) Expert Recommendations for K–12 schools and out of school settings. These microgrants seek to facilitate health equity for all students with food allergies.

The Children’s Inn at NIH engaged Sharp Insight to increase the evaluation capacity of their staff through on-site training and department-level consultations.

RMC Health engaged Sharp Insight to support two related evaluation initiatives for tobacco use prevention and cessation in Colorado schools, the STEPP Project and The Second Chance Program. Sharp Insight analyzed multiple sets of data to provide outcome related reports on the programs.

Friends of the National Arboretum engaged Sharp Insight to provide evaluation services supporting the Educator Coaching Program and Garden Science Program. Sharp Insight worked closely with staff to develop an evaluation plan and tools to set the stage for thoughtful and action-oriented data collection in the future.  

Lupus Foundation of America engaged Sharp Insight to evaluate the Partners United for Sustainable Lupus Education (PULSE), a five-year initiative of the CDC cooperative agreement DP20-2008, Developing and Disseminating Strategies to Build Sustainable Lupus Awareness, Knowledge, Skills, and Partnerships. In addition, Sharp Insight is the external evaluator on its Impact+ program (funded by OMH) from 2021-2025 to improve minority participation and awareness in clinical trials for lupus, especially among Black/African American people with lupus.

Experience Camps partnered with Sharp Insight to explore key opportunities and obstacles facing the organization as it scales. Sharp Insight implemented an interview series and engaged leadership and staff in discussion around tactical recommendations for growth.

National Young Farmers Coalition engaged Sharp Insight to implement a multi-year, NIFA-funded evaluation of the Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network Northeast, an initiative that connects and trains service providers across 13 Northeastern states to address the mental health needs of farmers, ranchers, and farmworkers. 

SEIU engaged Sharp Insight to serve as their evaluator for an assessment of SEIU organizing capacity. In close partnership with an SEIU Evaluation Team, Sharp Insight developed and implemented a capacity assessment initiative which included an online capacity assessment tool (survey) and a series of virtual focus groups.  Data collected through the survey and focus groups were themed and reported, with an emphasis on actionable recommendations for the union.

US Endowment for Forestry and Communities engaged Sharp Insight as their strategic evaluation partner for four initiatives: Forest Carbon, Hispanic Forest Landowners, their overarching Communities work, and general evaluation capacity building. Key areas of focus include the development of a logic model, key performance indicators, evaluation strategy tools, and development of a scalable programmatic strategy.

Capacity Partners engaged Sharp Insight as their evaluation partners to develop, deliver, and facilitate online trainings and one-on-one coaching sessions to strengthen and sustain 16 community-based organizations of The Sickle Cell Disease Association of America Inc.

The Center for Nonprofit Advancement (CNA) engaged Sharp Insight to facilitate an outcome evaluation training for nonprofit organizations in the Washington, DC region.


EveryMind engaged Sharp Insight to support the evaluation of a five-year SAMHSA-funded mental health first aid initiative.  Evaluation activities include tool development, monitoring, and reporting..

The Greater Washington Community Foundation engaged Sharp Insight to research the current investments and strategic choices of The Children’s Opportunity Fund.

Nonprofit Montgomery engaged Sharp Insight to co-develop and facilitate a course to strengthen the evaluation capacity of nonprofit leaders in Montgomery County, Maryland. Titled MORE: Metrics, Outcomes, and Responsible Evaluation, the course includes a 1.5 day training, evaluation coaching, and a booster session. The objectives of the course center on supporting the six steps in program evaluation, engaging in meaningful evaluation dialogue with Montgomery County leaders, and strengthening a customized evaluation tool to specifically meet the needs of each participating organization.

The Maryland Out of School Time Network (MOST) engaged Sharp Insight to conduct a social return on investment for out of school time programming in Maryland and develop a summary document that communicates the key findings. Expanding Opportunities, Improving Lives: Maryland’s Out of School Time Programs highlights key messages and provides out of school time advocates with a tool for promoting out of school time programming throughout the state of Maryland.

ASP Kids engaged Sharp Insight to support two 21st Century Community Learning Centers in Baltimore, Maryland.

On behalf of the Nonprofit Roundtable of Greater Washington, Sharp Insight led the external evaluation of two programs: Financial Reporting and Management Institute (FIRM) and Future Executive Director (ED) Fellowship Programs. Sharp Insight worked with the program staff to refine and implement program evaluation methodologies, which included surveys and in-depth discussion groups, as well as provide analysis and reporting.

Montgomery Housing Partnership engaged Sharp Insight to evaluate their 21st Century Community Learning Centers, as well as their youth educational programming held at their affordable housing properties, in Montgomery County, Maryland.


CARECEN (Central American Resource Center) engaged Sharp Insight to work closely with the leadership to develop an organization-wide logic model and departmental evaluation plans. As part of this engagement, Sharp Insight provided capacity building on logic models and evaluation.

The Trawick Foundation engaged Sharp Insight to support a focus group initiative for a TeamUp grant, the Neelsville Middle School uKnight Project.

MDBio Foundation engaged Sharp Insight to facilitate a program quality workshop for their staff supporting programming in Maryland and Texas.

The Meyer Foundation engaged Sharp Insight to serve as a thought partner and facilitator in a collaborative process to refine their theory of change.

Community Preservation and Development Corporation engaged Sharp Insight to lead the evaluation of its 21st Century Community Learning Center in an affordable housing community located in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Since 2019, Crittenton Services of Greater Washington has retained Sharp Insight to plan and implement the evaluation of numerous cohorts of their Goal Setting Girls, SNEAKERS, and PEARLS programs throughout the District of Columbia and Montgomery County, Maryland. Sharp Insight also provides evaluation capacity-building workshops for CSGW’s program leaders.

The Living Classrooms Foundation has engaged Sharp Insight to lead the evaluation of 21st Century Community Learning Centers in Baltimore City, MD and Baltimore County, MD.

MVLE: Working with Purpose engaged Sharp Insight to lead a research initiative funded through the National Endowment for the Arts, resulting in the manuscript, MVLE Moves Performance Group for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Case Study.

The Girl Scout Council of the Nation’s Capital (GSCNC) engaged Sharp Insight on a Focus Group Initiative. This initiative involved the development of a focus group guide and toolkit, the implementation of a comprehensive focus group training for staff, and support with theming, analyzing, and reporting the focus group data.

The University of Maryland, School of Public Health has engaged Sharp Insight to support two projects: 1) To assist in the evaluation of the Prevention Research Center's project, Implementing Tobacco Control Strategies to Achieve Health Equity: Engaging LGBTQ Communities in Maryland, including developing an evaluation plan, assisting with tool development, and supporting Needs Assessment and data collection activities. 2) To support the evaluation of the State of Maryland’s Consumer Health Information Hub, including development of monitoring and external partner evaluation tools, and suppoting annual data anlysis and reporting.

The Montgomery County Collaboration Council has partnered with Sharp Insight on a variety of evaluation and professional development initiatives focused on youth program quality. Most recently, we developed these program quality assessment tools for both in-person and online youth programming.  Sharp Insight has also contributed to the Collaboration Council’s Community of Practice by providing assessments and individualized coaching.  Additionally, we have facilitated dozens of youth program quality methods trainings, such as the one featured in this brief video.    Finally, Sharp Insight has supported evaluation efforts related to their Youth Development Practitioner’s Guide designed to foster an effective and high quality out-of-school time workforce.

Montgomery County Recreation Department engaged Sharp insight to review their department's data, connect findings to the literature, and create a product to help them share their impact more broadly. The result of this was the development of the Montgomery County Recreation Out of School Time Report. Previously, the Recreation Department partnered with Sharp Insight to lead the evaluation of its 21st Community Learning Center at Greencastle Elementary School.

Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy (MCAEL) engaged Sharp Insight to clean, code, analyze and present data from four fiscal years. The data represent thousands of individual students and hundreds of English language classes taught in Montgomery County, Maryland, by MCAEL’s grant-funded organizations.

Ausherman Family Foundation engaged Sharp Insight to partner with their grant selection team and potential grantees to identify multi-year performance metrics and design a dashboard to report on these key metrics.  The dashboards were available to each grantee for their own use, as well as the Ausherman Family Foundation for internal use.

Montgomery County Food Council engaged Sharp Insight to develop an organization-wide logic model that incorporates stakeholder feedback and is grounded in the MCFC’s five key strategies.

Children's Hospital of Los Angeles is partnering with Sharp Insight to develop an evaluation plan and tools in support of their youthink incubator hub, funded by a 5-year Office of Population Affairs grant. 

NYC Department of Education engaged Sharp Insight to evaluate the multi-year Health Ed Works’ goal for all New York City high schools and 60% of middle schools to meet health education scheduling requirements. Sharp Insight’s study is focused on middle and high school-level data modeling, analyses, and reporting along with qualitative process and program evaluation data related to the implementation of Health Ed Works in middle schools.

The Latin American Youth Center (LAYC) engaged Sharp Insight to serve as its external evaluator for its 21st Century Community Learning Center funded through the District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education. Key activities included the completion of a DCPS Research Request, development of an evaluation plan and tools, and implementation of key informant interviews.

Honestly engaged Sharp Insight to provide evaluation services in support of their Office of Population Affairs’ Tier 2 Innovation Grant, SPARK Innovation OKC.

Washington AIDS Partnership engaged Sharp Insight to provide evaluation services to support She Comes First, a program funded through ViiV Healthcare Positive Action for Women. Sharp Insight worked closely with staff to develop a comprehensive evaluation plan for their multi-year initiative.

Rhode Island Food Policy Council (RIFPC) has retained Sharp Insight to support multiple projects in the state related to food security and organizational priorities. Sharp Insight will be working with RIFPC to evaluate two programs linking local farms and fisheries to emergency food relief organizations, analyze and report on results of two organizational surveys, as well as provide support on other projects.

The University of Maryland Extension has engaged Sharp Insight to support two projects: 1) To evaluate a multi-year, digital equity initiative, Tech Extension Empowers Maryland. The project aims to improve digital literacy skills and digital access for Maryland residents. 2) To create, administer, and analyze surveys for internal staff and external partners as a part of UME's accreditation self-study.

KID Museum engaged Sharp Insight on an initiative to rapidly develop a high-level evaluation plan and series of evaluation tools for the KID Afterschool program and KID Inventors programs.

The Arc Prince George’s County engaged Sharp Insight to serve as the external evaluation partner for their five-year Healthy Transitions grant funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The focus of the grant is to improve and expand access to support services foryoung people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Northern Forest Center engaged Sharp Insight to develop a summary evaluation report of their 5-year Future Forest Economy Initiative (FFEI) funded by the U.S. Economic Development Administration. The FFEI focused on increasing the production, commercialization, and use of wood products in the Northern Forest region.

Mercy University (formally Mercy College) engaged Sharp Insight to provide professional development opportunities to the faculty and staff in the School of Health and Natural Sciences. In 2023, we led a 2-part workshop entitled, Using Excel to Explore, Summarize, and Visualize Quantitative Data. In 2024, we will be leading a workshop called An Introduction to Logic Models.

Asian American Center of Frederick engaged Sharp Insight as the external evaluator on a 3-year Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funded program focused on Community Health Worker Training Program. Sharp Insight is responsible for all aspects of the evaluation including survey development, analysis, and reporting.

FRESHFARM engaged Sharp Insight to support evaluation of nutrition incentives programs in DC, MD, and VA.  Composed of surveys at multiple markets and in multiple languages along with online surveys, this evaluation effort includes data analysis, reporting, and development of user-friendly summaries of key information for multiple audiences.  Findings contribute to a national dataset as part of the USDA's GusNIP program and are also used by the DC Department of Health for the Produce Plus incentive program in DC.

Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington DC (PPMW) engaged Sharp Insight to support evaluation of 4 sexual health education programs delivered to African American and Latinx young women in Washington, DC:  SIHLE+, Amigas, Shop Chat, and Spill the Tea.  Funded by ViiV, the Mayor's Office of African American Affairs (MOAAA), and the Learn24 Initiative, Sharp Insight assists with evaluation planning, tool development, data analysis, and reporting.

The Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital engaged Sharp Insight to develop and implement a Community Experience Survey in 2024. This survey of thousands of members, volunteers, and staff focused on the experience of its adults members, especially around the inclusiveness of its activities, camps, and events. Sharp Insight will also report out on the results of the survey.

The University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources engaged Sharp Insight to analyze and report findings from their 2022 Climate Survey.

The Primary Care Coalition, through its Asian American Center of Excellence, engaged Sharp Insight to lead a customized, two-day evaluation capacity building course for organizations serving Asian American communities in Montgomery County, Maryland.

Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland, Moveable Feast, Maryland Food Bank, and Benefits Data Trust engaged Sharp Insight through their Food Access and Support Services Team (FASST) project to provide evaluation support to their 3-year initiative funded by University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS). The initiative focuses improving health outcomes, reducing costs, and improving satisfaction for safety net populations with complex or high risk medical and social conditions. By addressing food insecurity for individuals living in underserved communities of color, where access to healthy food has been identified as a key factor in poor health outcomes, the project strives to reduce the total cost of care and to improve health equity in the UMMS catchment area by addressing social determinants of health--including food insecurity, poor nutrition, economic insecurity, and lack of support services. The study will follow 2,000 participants throughout Maryland taking part in a 90-day intervention including meal delivery and support services. 




Main Street Connect engaged Sharp Insight to work closely with staff and stakeholders to co-develop a customized evaluation approach for their inclusive, community-centered residential development that will set the stage for thoughtful, systematic data collection for years to come.

Caring Matters engaged Sharp Insight in a focus group series to assist in the organization’s renaming process. Additionally, Sharp Insight supported a program planning process with a group of community-based organizations seeking to partner on a local initiative. Sharp Insight participated in a series of meetings to develop the program’s logical framework and refine the partnership model.

Park Heights Renaissance engaged Sharp Insight to lead a customized professional development training for educators on quality out-of-school time programming.

Medical Education Resources Initiative for Teens (MERIT) engaged Sharp Insight to serve as the external evaluation partner for their 21st Century Community Learning Center funded through the Maryland State Department of Education. Sharp Insight has supported refinements to the program evaluation plan and tools, program observation, data analysis, and annual reporting.

Mount Pleasant Village engaged Sharp Insight to plan, implement, analyze, and report on a focus group series to increase the Village leadership’s understand of its members’ needs and interests.

Baltimore City Public Schools engaged Sharp Insight to evaluate the Maryland State Department of Education’s Learning in Extended Academic Program (LEAP) initiative at Cecil Elementary School.

DC Bilingual Public Charter School engaged Sharp Insight to engage in evaluation planning and capacity building on behalf of the school’s community kitchen initiative.

Nonprofit Village engaged Sharp Insight to support evaluation capacity building among participants in the SOAR incubator program for emerging nonprofit organizations in Montgomery County, Maryland.

DC SCORES enagged Sharp Insight to serve as its external evaluator for its 21st Century Community Learning Center funded through the District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education. For this effort, Sharp Insight completed a DCPS Research Request, modified the initiative’s evaluation plan and tools, and will be conducting annual site visits, analyses and reporting for the initiative. DC SCORES also partnered with Sharp Insight on an Evaluation Roadmap Project, which centered on the development of a customized, two-year process and outcome evaluation plan for their organization. Ultimately, DC SCORES was able to use the final iteration of the Evaluation Roadmap to secure multi-year funding to support its implementation.

Formerly Metro TeenAIDS, now a part of Whitman-Walker Health, partnered with Sharp Insight on a variety of engagements. Sharp Insight focused efforts on two key transition pieces, including the development and launching (through third party review) of their Wikipedia site and the legacy piece Is It Time To Close?, which documents the difficult and emotional process to join forces with a community health provider. From 2013 – 2015, Sharp Insight supported their Schools Team in various programmatic and evaluation contexts and conducted trainings including: Program Fidelity; Facilitating for Success; Youth Development Frameworks for Facilitators; Becoming A Principal Investigator; and Data Integrity, Security, and Management.

New Morning Foundation partnered with Sharp Insight on a customized evaluation initiative of the organization’s leadership.

Capitol Hill Village engaged Sharp Insight as its external evaluation partner in 2017.  Since then, Sharp Insight has supported the organization with evaluation planning (e.g., logic models for the organization and individual programs, evaluation plans), strategic planning (e.g., alignment of the strategic plan and logic model, development of tools to measure progress toward achieving strategic goals), evaluation tool development (e.g., large- and small-scale surveys, focus group guides, program data trackers), data analysis and reporting (e.g., program evaluation reports, multi-Village survey reports tailored to individual Villages as well summaries for the full network, dashboards for program monitoring), and capacity building (e.g., training for staff and partner Villages).

Chess Challenge in DC partnered with Sharp Insight to develop an Evaluation Roadmap for the organization. Through this process, Sharp Insight supported the capacity building of its leadership through a customized evaluation training.

Identity engaged Sharp Insight to serve as its external evaluator for two 21st Century Community Learning Centers funded through the Maryland State Department of Education. Programming takes place at three middle schools in Montgomery County, Maryland, and the evaluation activities have included staff training, bilingual survey administration, site visits, steering committee meeting presentations, and annual reporting. In addition, Sharp Insight had the privilege of conducting additional research for Identity related to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Beacon House engaged Sharp Insight to create a streamlined approach to data collection, inclusive of consent forms and protocols to support data sharing across multiple local education agencies.

Vikara Village engaged Sharp Insight to provide a holistic review of their Body Love program materials. Through this partnership, Sharp Insight provided strategic recommendations to improve Vikara Village’s ability to articulate and measure Body Love’s impact in the future.

Story Tapestries engaged Sharp Insight to develop an evaluation toolkit for the initiative, Discover the Power of the Written Word (DPWW). This toolkit included development of a baseline and exit survey for teachers and parents, and an accompanying focus group guide to examine impacts of the program on students, staff, and parents.

Latino Student Fund engaged Sharp insight as the evaluator of their online summer tutoring program. The evaluation included data analyses and a final summary report. In addition to this primary deliverable, Sharp Insight prepared three one-page snapshots with data visualization that facilitated quick comparison between program sites.

ArtStream, Inc. engaged Sharp Insight to focus on the research, development, piloting, and refinement of an annual evaluation tool and protocol to measure participant outcomes of ArtStream programming. Accompanying the tool, Sharp Insight will support the development of accompany professional development tools for ArtStream’s use as a live or recorded online training to support effective implementation of the tool.

Manna Food Center engaged Sharp Insight as their evaluator partner in developing, launching, and visualizing data from a bilingual (Spanish/English) Manna Food Center Staff Survey focused the well-being and satisfaction of their team. Sharp Insight developed an interactive data table and a series of charts to support the understanding and use of findings.  Manna Food Center e-engaged Sharp Insight this year to repeat the process and determine year-over-year changes in staff well-being and satisfaction at work. 


YouthNow! engaged Sharp Insight to support the evaluation of ESSER-funded afterschool programs at two elementary schools in Prince George's County, MD.  As the external evaluation partner, Sharp Insight helps refine the program evaluation plan and tools each year, observes each program, analyzes program data, and produces an annual report for each site for submission to the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE).

Centro Hispano de Frederick has engaged Sharp Insight to support their 1-year initiative funded by the State Consortium Grant (through 2025). The initiative focuses on providing high-need students with social-emotional learning (SEL) focused afterschool (Grades K-5) and summer programming (Grades 6-12). This pilot program is intended to holistically support youth participants and their families. Sharp Insight is working with Centro Hispano to support program staff with tracking systems transition and analysis and reporting.

The Association of Nigerians in Frederick engaged Sharp Insight to support tool development, data analysis, and reporting of a youth listening session series. The series was specifically focused on the behavioral health needs of diverse immigrant communities in Frederick, Maryland.


Community Services Foundation (CSF) engaged Sharp Insight to serve as the external evaluation partner for their 21st Century Community Learning Centers funded through the Maryland State Department of Education and the Washington DC Office of the School Superintendent of Education. Sharp Insight has supported evaluation plan and tool refinement, program observation, data analysis, and annual reporting.

Link Generations engaged Sharp Insight to build their team's capacity in survey design and guide the development of two key surveys for the organization, including a needs assessment and a training program survey.

DC Villages Collaborative engaged Sharp Insight to develop an organization-wide logic model and subsequently facilitate a logic model capacity-building training with Villages within the Collaborative. This training will be designed to prepare participants to then begin a logic model development process at their individual Villages.

Sharp Insight is partnering with City Youth Matrix to develop an organization-wide logic model and evaluation plan.